I have a rental with two tenants and their children. She has informed me that they are splitting up, but they can't agree on who is going to move out. Both their names are on the rental agreement (month-to-month rental). They have been nothing but problems since day one. Always late with the rent, trash in the yard, and acquiring pets without permission. I might consider renting to her because she has a job, he does not. I'm not going to simply re-write the agreement in one of their names. As far as I'm concerned, if one moves out, the existing rental agreement is void. I'd like to serve them with an eviction notice and tell them they can reapply by filling out an application, credit check, verification of employment, etc. I did not do all these things before they moved in (I know, lots of mistakes that I don't intend to repeat.) Does this sound like the the best way to handle this, and am I in my rights to do this? The rent is current, but has always been late. There is trash all over the yard (I took pictures today) and a dog running loose. I am tired of dealing with them and just want to be rid of them. Other options?
Kevin R