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ezLandlord Questions and Answers
Move-out & Eviction
I'm a tenant, I have a question about giving notice to landlord.
Darla L
started a topic
almost 14 years ago
Hi landlords! I'm hoping you all can help me out. I live in Nevada. We've rented for a while, we were under a lease, but it expired a few months ago. Our landlord asked us to renew, and we said that we would love to, but month after month we have asked for the lease renewal paperwork to sign, and our landlord (a property management company) keeps saying someone else in the office is working on it and it hasn't been produced for us to sign yet. Needless to say, we are on month-to-month at this time. We've never been late on our rent. Our grandparents are offering to put us on a lease/option on their home. They are buying another house and it is supposed to close on May 31st. They want to move June 1st, assuming everything is on schedule (Which we all know there's no guarantee of that). Our grandparents plan to rent the moving truck and share with us and we all move the same day (in theory). I know we need to give the management company at least 30 days notice. Which we still have plenty of time to do, however, how do I approach the situation and give notice knowing that if the closing on grandparents' new home gets pushed back, it could take a few more days or week? June 1st would technically be one more day in a new month, right? As landlords, do you think they will be willing to prorate a certain amount of time, like one week? Should we ask for the move out day to be one week into June and ask for a prorated rent, is that something they might agree too? Or would they require the entire month? It's like I have a certain date, but then again I don't. We put an enormous deposit on this home when we moved in, would it upset them if we asked if they could do an inspection before we move out and consider using part of the deposit towards the partial rent for June? Or is that just completely out-of-line? Thanks for any ideas or suggestions you might have. This was all unexpected and it's just a great opportunity for us to get some mortgage history going and eventually become home owners and it is helping our grandparents out too.
1 Comment
Eric D
almost 14 years ago
Well first of all, if you're on a month to month that isn't bad in this situation. June 1st is technically the start of a new month, if you have good rapport with the office they may very well be willing to prorate the rent to a week to week for June and I would mention to them that you would like an extra week just to make sure nothing bad happens and then you have problems that push you past the time you were supposed to be moved out. They do have every right to make you pay for the full month of June if they wish - if you're not moved out by the end of May. My best suggestion is to talk to them quickly (it's almost the end of April), let them know of your intent and the opportunity you have. Thank them for the apartment, their time and diligence (basically be very nice). Ask how you can work with them and you can, if you want, mention if they would like to do a pre-move inspection they can. I wouldn't really go into a security deposit discussion and use it for last months rent if you can avoid it. Honestly, it happens *A LOT*, but as a landlord it makes me feel a lot better knowing that I don't have to apply some or all of it to rent (a pre-move inspection offer if you go this route may be helpful) -- and I will of course work quickly to get them back their due security deposit.
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ezLandlord, Inc. 22228 St. Barts Lane Estero, FL 33928