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30-Day Notice

Hi, I have two tenants on one lease. One of the tenants was caught in criminal activity. I am serving a 30-day notice on the one tenant. The other tenant wants to stay and I am okay with that. Since they are both named on the lease, do I need to notice both of them?

What should I do if a tenant doesn't respond to the 30 day termination of lease. They are on a month-month lease.
A tenant can give the landlord notice any time during the rental period, but he must pay full rent during the period covered by the notice. Example: He could give notice any time during the month (lets say on the tenth). Then, he could leave 30 days later (on the tenth of the following month, or earlier if he chooses to). However, he would have to pay rent for the first 10 days of the next month whether he stayed for those 10 days or move earlier. (Exception: He would not have to pay rent for the entire 10 days if he left earlier, and you rented the unit to another tenant during the 10 days and the new tenant paid rent for all or part of the 10 days.) .  -----Disclaimer: Since I’ve been answering a lot of questions, I thought I would make the following statement. I’m not affiliated with EZlandlord Forms. I’m just here (not sure how long) to help those that have questions. Having 40+ yrs with Rental Property and done well, it’s my way of “Pay it Forward (check out the movie).” However, it is up to you to become familiar with Fed/State/Local laws. I always like to know if the suggestions I offer are helpful. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks in Advance. BTW...check out the Rental Property Organizer at Free Trial Download with data.
Karen’s response is assuming and can get you in trouble. She’s assuming that tenants are on a month-to-month lease and have been renting less than 12 months…….If you have a long term lease, a 30 day Notice will not work. Depending on your contract, you may need to evict. To keep the other tenant, a new lease should be created. -----Disclaimer: Since I’ve been answering a lot of questions, I thought I would make the following statement. I’m not affiliated with EZlandlord Forms. I’m just here (not sure how long) to help those that have questions. Having 40+ yrs with Rental Property and done well, it’s my way of “Pay it Forward (check out the movie).” However, it is up to you to become familiar with your State/Local laws. I always like to know if the suggestions I offer are helpful. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks in Advance.
If you wish to evict both tenants, then you would serve both.
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