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Tenant was having affair with my husband...Want her out.

Is there a legal way to get this person out?  I am going to send a violation notice for pets that were not supposed to be there, and am also sending a notice of non renewal, but her lease is not up until March.  Anything else I can do legally to get this person out? Did not realize I should have added this to the lease...
1 Comment

I believe you need the Dear Abby web site ( No Lease language would have prevented your situation. I'm assuming you and hubby own the property. This being the case, he probably has the right to invite/stay at the house anyone of his choosing without your approval. The Lease may be a mute point if she’s living in your home. You should consider discussing your situation with professionals.  -----Disclaimer: Since I’ve been answering a lot of questions, I thought I would make the following statement. I’m not affiliated with EZlandlord Forms. I’m just here (not sure how long) to help those that have questions. Having 40+ yrs with Rental Property and done well, it’s my way of “Pay it Forward (check out the movie).” However, it is up to you to become familiar with your State/Local laws. I always like to know if the suggestions I offer are helpful. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks in Advance.
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