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5 day pay or quit notice

I am a landlord and my tenant has let the 5-day notice expire without payment of rent due.  Do I need to file the 14-day termination notice next or can I go directly to the court summons to get him out for good?

With the 5 day notice, you have to be sure you let all 5 days pass, and the 5 days do not include the day the notice was served, holidays, or WEEKENDS.  Per WI statute 801.15(1).  The 14 day "no right to cure" notice is only for month-to-month tenants.  Not sure if you are in Milwaukee or some other area of WI?
I am in Wausau, after the 5-days as you described I can get the summons & complaint?
This should guide you . Specifically, 704.17  -----Disclaimer: Since I’ve been answering a lot of questions, I thought I would make the following statement. I’m not affiliated with EZlandlord Forms. I’m just here (not sure how long) to help those that have questions. Having 40+ yrs with Rental Property and done well, it’s my way of “Pay it Forward (check out the movie).” However, it is up to you to become familiar with your State/Local laws. I always like to know if the suggestions I offer are helpful. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks in Advance. BTW...check out the Rental Property Organizer at Free Trial Download with data.
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