I have a tenant on a month-to-month lease. He gave me a vague move-out date for "the end of March". That was fine, but then when he paid March's rent, he only paid to the 22nd. We never previously had a discussion about an exact date. I was going to wait until he moved to see if he would give me the rest of the rent. If he didn't, I was going to take it out of his security deposit and send him a receipt to his forwarding address letting him know that he owed for the rest of the month. Can I do that? Secondly, can I do that without sending him paperwork stating he owes me the rest of the month's rent?
1 Comment
Richard W
almost 11 years ago
You would have to send him a notice of rent owed to be official and state that if it is not paid it will be deducted from the security deposit. When returning the security have an itemized list of what was taken out and why.
Caitlin N