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Late rent notices sent and no response- VA property

Hello  I have a rental property in Portsmouth VA.  The tenant has paid her Sept rent 25 days late and her October rent has not been paid her.  I have tried to contact her via email, mail and text to discuss possibly payment arrangements or to assist her.  She has not responded.  I have mailed her a "rent demand" letter from this website.  I am looking for the next step to take but I can not find the next steps for VA. Can anyone help?  thanks!
1 Comment

You will want to contact your local government or court, you will need to file paper work with them in order to start an eviction if need be. I think the document that you will need to file is called a Service of Notice. This tells the court that you have served them the proper paper work with the given amount of time to correct the issue. Also you may want to give a notice to enter and post it on the door so that you can stop by the apartment and make sure that everything is in order and nothing bad happened. The lack of communication all of the sudden is a big red light!
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