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Squatters in Homestead Florida

Just had squatters move into my home. I called the cops and they showed a fake lease but did admit that they did not get it from me nor had they ever met me. They changed the locks on my house. Cops state I have to evict them. I do not even know their names but I guess I will when I pick up the police report on Wednesday. I did get her cell phone number which I did a google trace and let to an escort service. This is unbelievable! Any suggestions or going through the long process of eviction my only option??

Oh, OK!  Thanks for the encouragement!  I plan to keep at it, so wish me luck!
You should do great! I just bought my 18th property so I am kind of lucky that this is the first issue I have had.
Yes, I see this.  This is my first house and the first experience with crappy tenants.  I hope it's worth it in the end.  The house is fully paid off.
That is are lucky you did not have to evict them. I have one tenant that is two months past due. Will probably have to evict her soon. I feel sorry for people struggling but in the end I cannot let them live for free. This is a hard business to be in sometimes.
Heck yes!!!!!   I just had a family of 6 (3 kids out of high school, 1 in middle) move out because they couldn't come up with $300 dollars a month for a 9 room house!  I was giving them a deal!  All healthy people capable of working!!!  They moved back into the trailor in the country from where they came....  blows my mind.  My house is in the city with plenty of jobs.  I just don't understand.  It's sad.
Yep. And just got text from new tenants that now there are investigators looking for the squatters to repossess their car! lol Hopefully they will get some justice in the end!
jeez, wow.  so glad you got lucky in the end!!!!!!!!  people are ruthless!!!
I got lucky that I had a temporary realtors account for the water service. It expired and auto closed on 12/18/14. Since they had no water and all the neighbors watching their every move, they finally moved out last week. They were there almost a whole month with no water. I think they also moved because they did not pay their electricity deposit and their power was shut down too.    Lesson learned: Central station alarm on any future purchase the very day I close on property.
I got lucky that I had a temporary realtors account for the water service. It expired and auto closed on 12/18/14. Since they had no water and all the neighbors watching their every move, they finally moved out last week. They were there almost a whole month with no water. I think they also moved because they did not pay their electricity deposit and their power was shut down too.    Lesson learned: Central station alarm on any future purchase the very day I close on property.
WHAAAAAT???  What happened with this situation????  This is CRAZY!!!
Well...according to Police..The squatters have more rights than I do. They have drilled new holes on my door and all I can do is stand by and let them do whatever damage they want. Does not seem right.
Jesus, and escort service?!?! That is amazing, what are they using your home for? These are not just sqwatters they are downright trespassers on your property. If you call 911 they should remove them from the premises. They even went as far as making a fake lease? File eviction the second you get the report call the authorities and go to the house with the police to change the locks. How did they get in initially did they break windows? Pick locks? I would set up security cameras also this is worth the expense, then...Hell try to sue the escort service! This is one of the most aggravating experiences I have heard! WTF is wrong with people.
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