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serving  complaint to tenant

I am located in L.A county and have filed my unlawful detainer with the court. I received stamped copies back from the clerk . I have someone to serve them. When I got the stamped documents back from the clerk I also received a notice of case assignment-unlawful detainer case. Not sure what to do with this. Is it given to the defendant? It states that plaintiff shall give notice of all purpose case assignment by serving a copy of notice on all parties to this action at the time the Summons and complaint are served, or if not a served party then when such appears in the action. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, andrew
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This simply means that all notices must be given to all parties involved and submitted to the courts after. This notice will be served also to the tenants so that they have full knowledge of it going to court. Make sure to keep copies of everything and have all of your paperwork in order to help make this go quickly and smoothly.
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