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Evicting a tenant for drug use

I have never had an issue with my renters; they had a person they had just met move in and sign the lease for this year, and that person just had a visitor that OD'd on drugs in the house. The other renters are wonderful, and I am letting them stay. However, we want to work together to officially evict this other renter. We don't anticipate any problems- she has said she will move out- but I want to be sure I know the actual law as far as how many months rent we can make her pay, and how long she has to leave the premises. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
1 Comment

The laws are all the same in eviction, whether it be one person or the entire amount of tenants. Anticipate 30 days until they will be out. If they are willing to go with no issue simply a 30 day notice will suffice, if you need to evict do so and file it with the court.
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