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aggresive reaction

My new tenant become aggited and very aggresive after i announced some of the rules of using shared space ( kitchen) We signed a 6 month lease . What should i do ? I dont feel to be safe around that person and for my young children. Can i break the contract and let him go?

Did you have the rules for using the shared space in the lease?  It's not fair to make up additional rules after the lease is signed and expect them to be followed.  unless you meant you just went over some common courtesies.  i.e. don't eat my food,  please don't leave dishes in the sink that kind of thing.               Has he already moved in?  If not you could probably get away with just not letting him move-in if you return all his money.  If he has moved-in could be difficult to get rid of if he doesn't break any of the lease provisions or any laws.  unless you get him to agree to leave.
Hello and sorry for the bad experience.  It depends on who owns the property. Best bet-call the police next time you don't feel safe.
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