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house mate problems

Hi there. My husband and I own a 4BR rental unit and rent it by the room. Each tenant has a separate lease. We have a tenant that is harassing and stalking another tenant to the point that he feels very uncomfortable. Actually all 3 of the other tenants feel uncomfortable. We are in NY State. Any suggestions for what to do? I plan to have a meeting with the tenant who is causing the issues, but I also feel bad that she is causing so many problems. Any suggestions?  Thanks!
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Simply evict that tenant and have the other tenants sign a form that state what is happening and site actual harassment. Some where in there she should specifically be breaking the lease especially the peaceful enjoyment of others.  Eviction is necessary and fine in this case. Just send and submit the proper notice. It may take quite a bit but if it goes to court and the roommates want they can testify to help the case.  Good Luck!
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