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Hi Everyone,  My wife and I live in a rental for almost 2yrs now. In the beginning she was told that this rental was going to be a rent to own property so we stuck about $10k into updating things so when we go to purchase it, it's already done. fast forward almost 2yrs to now and we asked if the owner would sell us the home now. He replied saying, NO... I will not be selling the home but keeping it for my kids.  We need more space so we wanted to purchase this house because it's a nice neighborhood and it sits on a bigger piece of land to build on and now we can't so we found a new home to move it that's twice the space and about the same in rent. They want us to pay last months rent which I understand but we did $10k in upgrades and now they have a upgraded home for their kids.   Does anyone have any idea what we should do about the situation? They've been shady for awhile now.  Thanks,
1 Comment

Ugh that really sucks! I hope you have receipts and every piece of documentation with the upgrades. Also read through your lease and see if there is anything on that regarding fixing up the property. I would also just call a lawyer now this might get messy. I am sorry you are going through that. wishin' you luck!
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