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Tenant Want to Do Child in my rental

I am looking for a legal clause to add to the lease as an amendment to protect against liability if a child gets hurt on my property during the practice of childcare?  Any ideas or suggestions?

Edit above. I meant childcare.
Regardless of what is written, you can not absolve your self of responsibility, you can only seek to transfer the cost to another party.   I doubt your tenant is financially strong enough to protect you against a substantial judgement for any damages.  The best protection is to keep a safe, well-maintained property (with lots of pics) and careful maintenance records. Then get a good blanket liability policy and place it on every property you buy.  I would be hesitant to even acknowledge the fact that child care is occuring by putting it in the lease.   That can be used against you so effectively.
I have 7 rentals and I would never let a childcare business happen in my rentals. You would be leaving yourself open to a huge lawsuit or even possible loss of your rental unit. I hope you have it in an LLC or similar shelter so you only loose your one unit should anything happen. Also I would check to make sure you can even operate a business out of your unit. Good luck
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