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Want to give tenants notice to move and raise rent significantly

I am in California and rent a unit to a husband and wife.   They have been month-to-month ever since year 2 of their tenancy.  The wife is lovely, but the husband is a periodic pain--there have been complaints from the HOA about his behavior toward other tenants in the building and he periodically has exaggerated complaints about the unit (which we always address promptly) but he always gives a subtle threat about pursuing legal action if we don't comply.  He's someone who would use a sledgehammer on a bug when a fly swatter would do just fine.  He doesn't do this all the time, but it's stressful when he does it and I strongly suspect if we raise the rent significantly, he will "act up" more often.  They like living there--have told us that more than once.   They are clean and always pay the rent on time, and have been there for over 6 years.  The husband is the dominant one in the relationship, and the one we are forced to communicate with.     I want to give them 60 days notice to move out so we can then get new carpet, etc., and re-rent for closer to market rate.  However, what do I tell them?  If I tell them the truth, I suspect they may delay moving out or they may say they want to keep living there, but I expect more drama from the husband given an estimated  $400 monthly rent increase.  I thought about telling them we were going to sell the unit--that's why they have to leave, or telling them they have to leave so that our daughter can move in, but they have friends in the building and I suspect they will ultimately find out the truth.  Comments?

Wow that is rough! I would just be honest and say the property value has gone up significantly. Be as nice as you can. Give them a chance to accept the rent increase and if it does not work out, let them know you will have to rent to another tenant. The husband will have to deal! :D
You are not obligated to re-rent to anyone. At the end of the lease provide proper notice to the tenant that you are not renewing the lease and be done with it. If you want to be nice then give them a few extra weeks to search. You're not there to be best friends.
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