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Should I include tenant's girlfriend who is staying part time on the lease ?

I'm a landlord in CA and about to sign a lease with a new tenant who has a girlfriend who will be staying with him 3-4 days a week. Should I put her on the lease and get a pet deposit for her dog that she is gonna bring in the property?

I wouldn't do that. I Would add a guest policy to your lease, and a pet addendum but do not put the girlfriend on the lease until the tenant says he wants his girlfriend to move in.
I disagree on this one J D.      3-4 days a week with a dog = tenant with a pet.        This is a sly way some use to possibly pay cheaper rent  & get away with no pet fee payment.........      lookin for problems...  I say require the guy to get his girlfriends foot  in  or  out.   If it's out, then the lease should have a guest policy.  No sane  guest policy would  allow guests 3-4 nights every week with a pet.....just sayin.
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