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illegal aliens

What is a Landlord's responsibility if it's discovered you have rented to illegal aliens, but they are paying their rent and are causing no trouble.

I do believe you can get in trouble but i don't know what you would do in those circumstances, since they are on time with payments and handling their business. Good luck
Check your state/local tenant law...... In Ca,  a landlord can not inquire as to the immigration status of the tenant or prospective tenant or require that a tenant or prospective tenant make any statement concerning his or her immigration or citizenship status.
I am asking this question because I am now showing the unit and I have heard a number of stories from these people. I let them know that no matter what they tell me, I will still be doing a credit and background check (for my security). When I tell them that, that's when they give me reasons not to or why they can't do a credit/backgrd check. A couple of people practically admitted to being illegal or in the process of gaining legal status. I normally ask for social security number and to see an ID that's state legal, but I'm assuming if you are not legal, you wouldn't have this documentation. If I happen to rent to a less than honest person and find myself in this unfortunate position, what are my options...what should I do to protect myself?
If a person rejects or refuses your requirement to do your credit/background check, you have no responsibility to consider them further in your rental's basically a yes or no question, will you submit to this requirement... has nothing to do with asking for their legal status....
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