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2 tenants on lease 1 caused property damaged & being sectioned

I have a property where there are 2 people on the lease.  have had no problem for a year, however in the last 24 hours 1 of the tenants has destroyed walls, doors, floors.  He is now being sectioned for mental health by his 21 yr old daughter who is not residing at the property.  .  My question is this.  Do I have a right to place a no trespass order on him but the other tenant can stay?  The other tenant was living there prior to him moving in and had a lease with just her name on it.  Now the lease has both names.   fyi. this is a Massachusetts property  thank you for your iput

Unfortunately no you can't especially if he has been placed in mental services if his property is still there you need to first get all of it itemized and send it to his family make for certain that you get a certified copy of receipt for the itemized property then you need to check with federal law and state law agencies. It's always Sade to consult with a attorney
Good" not Sade
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