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Body cams

I'm new the whole park manager thing I've been doing maintenance for the park for some time never really had any issues but now that I'm the guy that has to be the (a$$hole) and collect money I've gone from the guy that helps around here to the guy that's getting calls from his boss saying so and so says your not doing anything and the lastest and greatest I'm a meth head and dealer luckily my boss and I have know each other for some time and she's been doing it for years and has seen this so many times that she knows what's going on ....... But in the last week I've had two threats of physical harm one of them I did call the cops but it's all a hear say now signs are now going up under audio visual surveillance now in the park can I waear a body cam  and have it used if necessary to prove that I'm being harassed
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now they have go pros and stuff i thought it was allowed as long as it is body cam and not a camera spying on people.
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