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Recently won a judgment on a former tenant. How do I collect

Hello, I was Recently awarded a judgement of $911.00 for Damage done to my property by a former tenant.  The issue is she is on Section 8, has 5 kids possibly no job. Is there a way to intercept her tax refund to collect my money. Or Should I just walk away from this? I sued her for excessive pest control treatments for a roach infestation plus she put bread in my vents which costed me a lot of money to get cleaned out. I just think she needs to pay for what she did.

Thanks for the info. I will certainly contact housing. Thanks again!!
If she was on Sec 8 with you, notify Housing about the judgement. There is nothing Housing can do to her now if she has another Housing contract. However, they will put your claim into her file. When she decides to move and applies for a new voucher, she will be denied until she repays you. That's how it works in Ca so I'm assuming this is how it works in the USA...... You may have to wait a few years....Contact Housing is your best bet. Keep us posted
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