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Breach of Contract to Exchange Tenant Repairs for Rent

If a new tenant signs a contract agreeing to make specific repairs to the house in exchange for a specified amount of rent, but does not complete the repairs by the agreed-on date, can this be considered nonpayment of rent? I live in Mississippi and the contract clearly states the work to be performed, the amount of rent to be exchanged for the work, and the date the work must be completed. It also states that failure to complete the work according to the contract will be grounds for eviction.  What I don't know is if I can evict on grounds of nonpayment of rent, which has a 3-day notice, or if I have to give them a full 30-day notice. I have searched for days and can't find an answer. I hope someone can help.
1 Comment

Of course it is. If it's in the lease - it's a violation in the terms of the lease. Most likely you'd have to take the tenant to court and prove your case to the judge though.
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