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Ex-Tenant entered property 3 weeks after lease end!!!!!

Hi guys, I am furious.  My tenant caused damage by leaving carpets with excessive cat uring and vomit all over, burnt holes in it with hot coals in a plastic bucket and pretty much never vacuumed stairs, cleaned shower etc etc.    She wanted some TV wires back that she left so she was organizing a painter to come and fill the holes and repaint them.  He was scheduled to come this Saturday, fine right!!!!!  I am in the garden and walk out front to see my tenants car outside the apartment and them both inside the building.  I ask what the hell she thinks she is doing and would she not think about knocking on my door or texting me that she is here and to leave the building immediately.  5 mins later!!!! she goes to her car all butt hurt.  I go to work out the deposit remainder as its been 21 days (so by law need to return that) and low and behold, she is back in it saying the painter needed help!!!!!!!!  She is having a good look around so I ask if she is hard of hearing and tell her she left the place in a disgusting state after she was trusted to rent with animals and that I really didn't want her in there.  15 mins later, I follow her out back and she is now on the god damn roof (stable block with is unsupported and poss rotten) as she needs to get her wind chimes she left.  I ask her to get down as that would be my liability and (also ask if she is a grown woman or a child so lost my cool a little) agree to climb out the window to get the darn wind chimes.  She sulks off saying she doesn't have to listen to me and I say OK well you will listen to the police if I have to tell her again.  I am coming out the house with the remainder check and she has been in the house again as the old garage foot wiping rug is now sitting on the apartment doorstep!!!! (and wasn't there less than 5 mins prior)  I ask her to sign saying she received the check and understands the charges for cleaning, carpet damage and she refuses saying we obviously can't communicate, acting like I am at fault!!!!!    Jeez I tell you, yes she is now out my life but I have a bad feeling she will dispute the amount though feel I am covered as only charged $100 for cleaning, $25 for supplies, $80 for the smoke detector she took down and monoxide detecter she took plus 200 carpet cleaning and 325 to repair the holes. and took pics of it all but surely there is something I can do as feel she and idiots like her should not be able to do this kind of thing, she is the sort of person that thinks its her earth and we just live here.  Should I make a non urgent report to the police or serve her an injunction never to return to this property just to make it clear she was in the wrong.  I also wonder if I should text warning if the check is cashed then she accepts the deposit return?? as I forgot to write it on the check.  Any advice is greatly appreciated and I know most will tell me to just forget it but maybe I should stand up for all the people this woman walks over daily.  I could have had personal stuff over there or a new tenant could have taken possession and I would have been in trouble.
1 Comment

Hello, So what exactly is the question?  Maybe the step is to replace the locks (as long as she's off lease.)
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