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Electronic signatures

I created a lease and emailed for electronic signatures. The tenants read the email, however they stated that they are not able to sign electronically because they do not have that option when they viewed the lease. What did I do wrong and/or what are the correct steps to have them sign electronically.

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Hello from my experience, the email option does not allow for esign, that is just a PDF file. I use it mainly for printing a copy.
Hello and thank you Norma for reaching out to us, Richard is correct.  Please follow these steps to ezSign your lease: Once you sign it is then sent to each tenant one at a time with a link in their email to sign directly.   Click HOME at the top left of the page.  Click EDIT THIS LEASE to the right of your lease. Then click SAVE AND VIEW on the Right. A pop up will appear - click ezSign  Clicking on ezSign will have you verify the tenant's emails and check in the box that you have reviewed your lease. Then you will click on ezSIGN again.  Wait for the loading page to fully load, then sign the lease. Once you sign the lease, the lease will generate and be sent to the Tenant for signature. Once the first tenant signs the lease, the ezSign email will be sent to the next tenant. Once the last tenant signs, the signed lease will be sent to you and your tenants.
I completed the steps above and sent the EZsignature request to the Tenant. The tenant confirmed that my signature appeared and was visible when he opened the forms for the  lease. I was told by EZLandlordForms that my signature would only appear after all tenants signed the form. Normally the landlord is the last person to sign the lease agreement. Also, the tenant was unable to complete and sign the addendums. Very dissatisfied and frustrated to say the least.

Addendums have to be enabled for EZSign. Most are. Some are not. If you find a form or addendum not enabled for EZSign, you would need to create a ticket with EZLandlord and ask them do enable it. It might take them quite some time to do  it, if ever. Alternately, use chat and ask the CS rep to create a custom form for you with the EZSign enabled. I believe they can do that.

how do I edit a lease already emailed to the tenant but not yet signed 

You have to cancel the EZSign, and then re-edit the lease, and re-save the lease with EZSign.

 Click HOME at the top left of the page.  Click CANCEL EZSIGN to the right of your lease.

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