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ezLandlord Questions and Answers
Tenant Screening/Advertising
Emotional Support Animal Cat & Dog with Tenant
Shannon B
started a topic
almost 9 years ago
We are allowing dogs in our rental home with a small deposit but not cats. A potential tenant has said that they have a letter from a doctor that they have both an emotional support cat and dog. I read somewhere that you can't charge additional money for these EMO pets. Is this true even though I have stated that I was regardless? Also, I don't want a cat in my house do I have to consider it, even though they have some doctors note?
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Leonard D
almost 9 years ago
I think it is illegal to charge a pet fee for a service animal. I would really look into your area's laws and search the fair housing act. That will help too!
LaVonne L
over 8 years ago
My condo unit has never had an animal in it. I am planning to rent it out but someday move back in. I do not want any animals of any kind in my unit. What happens if there is an applicant with a service animal? I live in Oregon. Am I able to turn down that applicant. I have a son that is very allergic to animals and don't want one in my unit for any reason.
Richard W
over 8 years ago
We have a condo we love but rent out and someday will use a retirement vacation spot for ourselves. We have bought and brought a couple foreclosure homes back to life and while there is a lot of cleaning......removing carpets and pads, washing down everything very well, repainting everything and the place is fresh again. If my next condo tenant stays long enough to use up the rest of the life of the carpets, we will let them have a pet. Thanks
Nancy B
over 4 years ago
My renter told us the day before coming by to inspect the house that they are fostering kittens to help her two teenage children deal with CoVid. We advised that we do not allow cats and they would need to return them. When we were at the house we got to see the kittens that appear to be 5-6 months old so I think they have had them awhile. Now she is telling us she hopes her kids don’t kill themselves because they have to get rid of the cats and says they are to help catch mice. We’ve had a good relationship up to now. She is allowed one dog on her lease. We are sticking to our guns about the no cat rule but I hate the manipulation she is pulling off. We are hiring a handyman to make sure the house is sealed up to prevent mice from coming in. I’m wondering if we should do anything else before they get a note from their doctor saying they need the cats for emotional support. Your thoughts?
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ezLandlord, Inc. 22228 St. Barts Lane Estero, FL 33928