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current and previous landlord info missing from new online application

Hi, the latest online application does not have tenant birthdates, current and previous landlord names and phone numbers. All are needed to verify tenants and landlord references. The old app had this and I think it is needed. Please let me know when you plan to add these back. Thanks. Karl

I see this thread is old but I am looking at the e-mailable application and it is of the front under previous address then it has a place for the landlord's contact info.     Gregg
The Website Moderator reply did not address the other problem with the online application which provides no current or previous landlord information.
Hello:   With our tenant screening application, the tenant is required to fill in the date of birth and social security number to process the reports. However, it is not provided to the landlord on the paperless application. This is to protect the applicants personal information. This also helps the applicants feel more comfortable using the online screening. Some of our landlords will use the tenant screening and also send a paper application for their records. I am sorry for all of the frustrations and I have sent this thread to my team for review. Thank you all for the feedback. Enjoy the rest of your day.
I concur! ANy information not entered on the application should be followed up with a warning that by not providing information, applications could be denied. I also think that the numbers of previous landlords should be a field added to the application, if it isn't already there.
I'm a new landlord and just signed up for this service.  The lack of this information is not a great first impression.  I have had to contact all the applicants again to get this information.
I have to agree that this is an issue. There is a lot that I like about this site. However, some items need attention, like this one. If the prospective tenant does not wish to provide the information, at least require that they select an option stating they are refusing to answer. Then you might want to advise them that their refusal to answer could affect their approval decision. I'm sure most of us can take it from there.
This is absolutely unacceptable.  This is the most important info to have!  I actually emailed in about this and was told TODAY that the information is requested on the paperless application but it's not required for the tenant to complete.  I'm guessing that is not accurate and it's not even on the paperless application.   I'll be looking into another service as this makes no sense.
I totally agree that pertinent information is now missing for us landlords!
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