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tenant wants to change 2 yr lease to a 1 yr lease, after only a month

Hi, I had a tenant move in a month ago and already she wants to end her lease a year early, she signed a two year lease until june 2015.She claims she and her boyfriend want to buy a home and wants to end her lease in 2014. Well, I dont believe her, but thats another story, I think she just doesn't like the husband and I still pay the mortgage on her apt, and we live downstairs from her actualy. We have been very laid back, friendly, and accomodating with her, especially after finding out she was a Registered Nurse like me, there was instant bonding, so to say.We did not ask for a security deposit, but i dont think one months deposit would help anyway if a 2 yr lease is broken!Needless to say, I think she has taken our niceness for granted and is trying to see how far she can go. My thing is, why would u sign a two year lease if you thought you would be buying in the near future? I planned on emailing her this letter as well as putting a copy in an envelope to give her, can you all plse read it and let me know how it comes off? She may be shocked at its tone, because up to this point we have been very friendly, the letter is rather cold, but I need to protect myself.Thanks in a advance! Heres the letter, its short: July 11, 2013  To: Name removed ("Lessee" and "Tenant")  From: Name removed ("Lessor)  Re: Breaking/Early Termination of Lease at (address removed)  After consultation with our attorney and careful review of the terms of  the "Condominium  Unit Apartment Lease" (which bears your signature) , your  request to terminate your lease one (1)  year early cannot be approved. The explanations are below and guided by city and state laws:  The terms of  your rental  began on  June 7, 2013 and ends on June 7, 2015. According to Chicago Civil Code Section #5-12-120 , a Tenant that violates the lease terms   is responsible for the entire balance of the rent for the remainder of their term. In the event of a lawsuit arising out of the tenancy the tenant will pay the landlord's attorney's fees  as provided for by court rules, statute, or ordinance. Specifically, Section  E of the "Condominium  Unit Apartment  Lease" (which bears your signature) states: " Lessee shall pay upon demand all Lessor's costs, charges and expenses, including the fees of agents and others retained by the Lessor and, as provided by applicable laws and court rules, the fees of counsel, incurred in enforcing Lessee's obligations hereunder or incurred by Lessor in any litigation, negotiation, or transaction in which Lessee causes Lessor, without Lessor's fault, to become involved or concerned."  A lease is a legal document that is binding as soon as it is  signed and cannot be modified. Please familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions, as any violations will result in the above repercussions, as well as be reported to all 3 major credit bureaus.
1 Comment

I think that is perfect!
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