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section 8 tenant

I have a section 8 tenant and has been late paying rent. The first time I told her I would let it go but the next month she was late again. She thinks she has a grace period of 5-days. In my contract she does not. Am i allowed to charge her a late fee? call fair housing, ask what they think i should do? or wait till her lease is almost up and send her a non-renewal letter?

When communicating with section 8 tenants, always send a copy to tenant's Housing Rep. If you send a 3 days' notice, send a copy to Housing Rep. If the tenant does not want to lose their certificate, they will begin paying on time. If tenant decide to move and there are damages, send a copy to the Rep. Tenant must pay for all damages before they get another certificate to rent another unit provided Rep knows of damages in advance.
They can't be evicted for not paying additional renT; late fees, etc.  The feds cap what they can be made to pay.  30% of adjusted income I believe
Your good I just send them a three days notices to pay or quit, section 8 tenant know that if they get an eviction they lose their housing.  I try to work with all my tenants, but when it comes to the money, oh no, that's where I draw the line.  if your agreement say that they must pay a fee, then you charged them, if she give you her rent late without the late charge then you refuse it.  and send her a three pay notices to pay or quit, Don't be no push over, because they will continue to do the same crap.   I'm already going through an eviction with a section 8 tenant who refuse to comply. I tried every thing I just contacted my attorney and I have to email all the paperwork on her.  I don't want too.  but she moved in a boyfriend who smokes (weed and cigarettes) in non smoking unit. (no smoking is in the rental agreement)and he's unauthorized tenant.  It's hard for landlords out there.  just stick to what your agreement is she will get the point or it's time to get another tenant.
I think it is so important to keep an open line of communication with the tenant. So make sure to let them know that you did not give a grace period but were trying to be nice about the fees. If you don't feel comfortable with that, then you can call housing and see what they think. I am one of those pushover landlords so I would just wait it out until the lease term is up and just end it with the tenant appropriately. lol good luck.
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