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Security Deposits and Last months Rent

I had a question about security deposits. I have a tenant who has asked us to reduce the amount of her last month's rent. Is it okay if I subtract her security deposit from her last month's rent as long as I get written consent from her that she agrees to it?

How much security deposit are you already asking? Is it the amount of 1st month's rent? Can your terms allow for the next two to three months to include security dep offset with the current months rent to compensate for the rent deposit you are asking? I'd hate to miss out on good tenants with great credit and employment history because I would not want to work with them due to the full collection of my desired security deposit.... Hope this helps.
NO.  The lease forbids it,  and you have NOTHING left against damages or theft of appliances, etc, after she moves out.
I'd just go with NO.
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