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Tenant Daughter moved in after having a baby?

My tenants daughter moved in with them after giving birth to new child.  She is not on the lease. Any thoughts?

Depends on a number of issues. Is the daughter a minor? Do the tenants want to place her on the lease? Do you want to place her on the lease? If both you and the tenants agree to placing her on the lease, then just amend and resign the lease. If you two disagree, then they are in violation of the lease and you have a legal right to request to vacate but you may end up in court. My advice, if they are good tenants (all of them) then why rock the boat. If not, then 90 days before lease end or 31 days if MTM, issue a "Lease will not be renewed so vacate NLT the end date." I get a similar problem when a boy/girl friend moves in. If a good tenant, I insist on adding name to lease for insurance reasons. if a bad tenant (chronic late payments, noise, etc). 5 days to correct or vacate.
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