When creating a lease, additional documents can be included in Step 7 of the lease builder. The system uses bracketed fields to differentiate between auto-filled and custom information:[Auto-Fill:]: These fields are designed to automatically populate with relevant information from other sections of the lease or system. You may leave these brackets as they are, and the system will fill them in during the finalization process.[Custom:]: These fields require manual input. Unlike auto-fill fields, the system will not automatically populate these areas. You must delete the bracketed text and input the necessary information manually.For example, when adding the "Instructions for Depositing Rent into Bank Account" document in Step 7, you may encounter [custom:] fields. These placeholders will not autofill and will require you to replace them with the appropriate details, such as bank account information and specific deposit instructions.Once you have added the information to replace the custom brackets, click on SAVE AND INCLUDE and the customized document will be saved in your lease. EZ AS THAT!