When a Tenant is behind on rent, Minnesota Landlords must file a 14-Day Demand for Rent before filing an eviction for non-payment of rent.

  • Minnesota Eviction Laws: 14-Day Demand for Rent

    As of January 1, 2024, Minnesota enacted new eviction requirements. Before filing an eviction for non-payment of rent, Landlords must issue a 14-Day Demand for Rent. This Demand must include:

    • The total amount of rent due;
    • Specific accounting of the rent due stating how much is for rent, late fees, or other charges;
    • The name and address of the Landlord or the Landlord’s agent who is authorized to receive rent;
    • And specific language from the Minnesota statute about the Tenant’s right to seek legal help.
    • Our Minnesota 14-Day Demand for Rent complies with all Minnesota requirements and is easy to customize online.

      Minnesota Rental Forms and Templates

      Landlords need more than just a great Lease Agreement. They need forms to deal Tenant issues from move-in to move-out. That’s why we have over 450 Landlord forms available!

      • Rental Application: It’s vital to always screen Tenants before handing over possession of your property. Our free Rental Application starts the screening process and gives Landlords the authorizations they need to run key reports, including a credit report, criminal history background report, and eviction history report.
      • Move-in/Move-Out Walkthrough Checklist: This form makes it EZ to document property conditions at move-in and move-out.
    • Pro Tip:This is a MUST if you’re collecting a security deposit.

      • Tenant Welcome Letter: Welcome Tenants to their new home with this customizable letter. It’s an EZ way to provide them with all the info they need to take care of their new home.
      • Rent Ledger: Use this document to keep track of rent payments and to have the documentation you need should any Tenant issues arise.
      • Minnesota 14-Day Demand for Rent: This form notifies Tenants that they need to get current on unpaid, vacate the property, or face eviction actions.
      • Pro Tip:This is a necessary first step in the eviction process.

      • Minnesota Eviction Action Complaint: This is the form needed to initiate an eviction proceeding in Minnesota.
    • Don’t see the form you need?

      State-Specific Forms