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Tenant Screening/Advertising
Section 8 tenants
Stuart P
started a topic
over 14 years ago
What is your experience/feelings on Section 8 tenants? I have heard a lot on both sides from Realtors and Property Managers but not much from the investors perspective. What say you?
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Jonathan &
almost 14 years ago
I have three section 8 tenants and just added a fourth. Some have been here over a decade and I never eve notice them. I honestly must admit I was seeing the disasters others have had with section 8 but we have been extremely happy with it. I admit one elderly lady is a nuisance but she has no family and just wants attention. The checks come like clockwork in my mailbox on the second of every month and pays MORE than some of my other tenants who have longevity ( and hence low rents) and even when you go to evict a section 8 person they keep paying you DURING the eviction process ( as long as the tenant is still in the unit)
Cheryl M
almost 14 years ago
DONT DO IT! Unless you are lucky, the people on Section 8 are on it for a reason. It is ususally not because they are on hard times. They are like welfare, on it and going to stay on it! They do not care about your property or the fact that they are destructive. They do not teach their children respect and more times than not, you will have to make major repairs to your property when they move out. About the inspections, the inspectors will make you repair items that the tenants have ruined, broke or removed even though it was in good condition when they made the last insepction. The problem is the tenant is not cleaning or caring for the unit. Their destruction is your problem and you financially have to correct it. Section 8 tenants do not have to pay for any damage while they live there, you do.
Eliezer &
almost 14 years ago
It is illegal to discriminate against section8. However, you can explain to prospective tenants that approval just like with all your prospects, is contingent on the credit and background checks.
Brenda W
almost 14 years ago
I'm not really excited about the idea of inspections and additional paperwork to collect rent. Is it legal to deny section 8 applicants?
Jesse F
almost 14 years ago
First of all the phrase, "section 8 tenants" is a generalization and is the same as saying "Americans", "athletes", etc. Secondly, section eight rates are on the high end of competitive rental rates and if they lowered your payments, than you were charging to much. Also if an apartment is well kept, inspectors are normally pretty understanding and will pass the apartment with few update. Lastly, I would like to point out that if you do a proper backround check and regularly inspect properties, odds are the tenants that are approved will not do very much damage.
Robert S
almost 14 years ago
I tried section 8 and got the tenants from hell. They trashed the house, punched holes in the walls and doors, distroyed the carpeting, set fire to the house, ran the tank out of oil in the middle of the winter so that there was no heat. The pipes froze, and when then thawed, shooting water everywhere, causing more thousands in damages. 25,000 in damages and the state would only stand good for one month rent to go towards damages. I could go on, but you get the idea. I will never use section 8 again.
Ralph F
over 14 years ago
I don't like Section 8. You completely give up control over the amount of rent (they just lowered the rent on one of my rental units by $200/month), and they require an annual inspection. I can assure you, they WILL find violations to write up in every annual inspection, because that's how the inspectors show the bureaucracy that they're doing their job. It cost me about $1,000/year to repair the "violations" they would find, which was the entirety of my cash flow for the year on that property, and then you run the risk that they'll stop paying you rent while you do these frivolous repairs. Then there's the fact that the tenant may not be there to let the inspectors in... trust me, it's just not worth it.
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