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Maintenace Requests

I have a tenant who is requesting the following items, are these cosmetic issues required by law.   Please see tenants notes below:  1.    As you are aware, the floor boards were damage when I had that water leak.  Although the repairman said there was "non-urgent damage" to the kitchen and hallway flooring, it appears that over time, the floorboards seemed to have contracted, I guess as the moisture has dried up.  The boards have started to separate, leaving noticeable spacing between boards.  Although still perhaps a non-urgent matter, it is unsightly, particularly the kitchen.   2.    That same individual bathroom tile that was fixed I believe twice before has come loose yet again. Because its in the middle of the bathroom floor, you can feel it moving and hear it "cracking against the grout" every time it is walked on.

I think, you should help the tenant regrading this. If you don't have much time for these types of issue, then you can hire a property management firm. I also use property management services from Lone Star Realty, they take care of everything from rent to maintenance of the property.
As a landlord, I would fix the items to maintain the property, but I suppose its up to you.
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