If a lease agreement states that the "landlord can access the tenants unit or rented area", is the tenant in violation of that agreement after the landlord provided more than reasonable notification to enter.
The landlord always has the right to enter, with proper notice. This in most states is 24 hours notice. The tenant is in violation if they refuse to let you in. That is terms for eviction and if they do not allow you to enter file and have the authorities enter with you. This serves multiple purposes and helps if there is illegal contraband.
Danette F
said 9 years ago
Selling home that has my furniture,that renters are using. Must sell contents prior to closing escrow. Tenants have been given notice,but have not moved. What should I do.
David M
said 9 years ago
I recently issued, mailed and have the tenents signature for a 30 No cause eviction. It has been now 6 days after the eviction due date. I went to the property today and found that they have moved out however there is a letter on the floor of the entry way stating "Do not enter, This property has not been vacated". No signature . The doors were unlocked. There is still some personal items in the house that I could see from the door. Can I lock them out? What is my legal rights as of today? I am in Oregon. Which legal direction should I take? Thank you, David Oregon
Robert &