Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Judith L Date: November 18, 2017 at 3:00:11 PM EST To: J F I live in MA. My tenant died unexpectedly of natural causes in my home 10/27/17. The lease was yearly and ran from 8/1/17 to 8/1/18. This was her 3rd year of renting. She initially paid 1st last and a security deposit upon moving in. She had paid for Nov 2017 before she died. Her brother offered to pay for December as they will not be able to remove her belongings out in November and will need December. The executor is asking me about last months rent and returning security deposit.i have advertised the property for 1/18 but it's going to be very difficult to rent Mid year. She has an estate and I'm wondering if the estate is responsible for the rent until I can rent to someone. I'm willing to keep the security as one months rent and Decembers rent and then call it a day and cut my losses. I'm thinking the executor thinks the security is due and they should not have to pay Decembers rent. Can't seem to get a straight answer if estate is responsible until property is rented. Sent from my iPhone
1 Comment
Sid F
said 7 years ago
I'm a landlord myself and i think that it is the estate's responsibility but this is touchy so i would involve an attorney.
Judith F