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Does ex wife of landlord have a right to sue us the tenants, even though she is not the landlord and our rents were paid to our landlord? When our lease was valid it did state to pay her, but the land lord told us not to pay her and pay him, also that lease has since expired. I need help, should we waste our time & money on an attorney. We have a signed statement from ll that he collected all rent and have all checks showing rent as paid.

Ex wife has no ownership in this propery. This was stated by her when we signed the lease. Hired an attorney today.He is filing to have this case dismissed,as she has not intrest in this property and is not a party to our former lease.Our attorney spoke with her attorney and was told information on her divorce,an entire seperate matter. It is clear to me that this is totally a matter between him & her and yeah we are in the middle and should not just sucks that we are out a lot of money now. Anyone think we should try to sue her for ?  We plan on moving, landlord told us she is taking everything except this house we live in and he has to move back in. We just can not find a place avaliable right now.  Next, we have a large security deposit I am scared we are going to be out, well have to fight with the landlord to get back, we paid that to her as she was his accountant.
It seems as the "ex-wife" of the Landlord may have ownership in the property and the LAndlord may have mislead you. Although you are involved in this mess, as long as you can prove that you have paid rent to the Landlord - then the fight would be between the Landlord and his "ex". If the Lease is month to month and you have not received notice to vacate or notice of any other changes, such as who to pay rent to, then I would think you will be alright. It is complicated, however and I think if it were me, I would simply start looking for another place to live. Inevitably, you will end up in the middle of this mess. As far as the ex-wife causing problems, well if she does have legal rights to the property,she can seek court action, but you having proof pf payment and the Lease, I would think a judge would leave you out of this and make it between the two owner parties. How is a tenant really suppose to verify ownership? Let me know what happens, I am curious.
Thanks,Sounds crazy huh? The lease states that at the end of the lease it then becomes month to month.Do you know if when the landlord told us to pay him and not her did that then void our lease?The land lord is 100% behind us and is willing to sign anything we ask. We are going to an attorney today, this should ease my mind.
Wow! this is a tough one. Does your lease have a renewal clause? If so what does that say happens to the Lease at the end of the term. I think I would definitely get some legal advice here. This is a tough situation. Good luck
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