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Return Deposit

What items can be deducted from the previous tenant deposit to get unit ready for rent to a new tenant? Need detailed information.
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The most common disagreement between landlords and tenants is over the refund of the tenant's security deposit after the tenant has moved out of the rental unit. Ca law specifies procedures that the landlord must follow for refunding, using, and accounting for tenants' security deposits. Landlord may specifically  use a tenant's security deposit for four purposes: For unpaid rent;  For cleaning the rental unit when the tenant moves out, but only to make the unit as clean as it was when the tenant first moved in;For repair of damages, other than normal wear and tear, caused by the tenant or the tenant's guests; and If the lease or rental agreement allows it, for the cost of restoring or replacing furniture, furnishings, or other items of personal property (including keys), other than because of normal wear and tear. Normal wear and tear would be the condition of property that occurs with normal use after time.
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