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Excessive noise after signing a lease

My son just signed a 12-month lease, and two wks into it, noticed his neighbors above him have 2 or more loud parties mid-week that last until 2 a.m.  Also, obnoxious behavior such as these neighbors flicking their cigarette butts and ashes down on his balcony.  He asked the landord before leasing if there were any neighbor issues and she denied.  Also, prior tenant said everything was fine. If my son complains to authorities and there's no resolution, does he have any recourse in breaking lease and moving the heck out?  Thanks.
1 Comment

Tell your son "Every time there is an issue, call the landlord and tell him/her to fix the problem, then call the police. Then document it down on paper." Every time. If this happens 4-5 times/month for two months, tell the landlord "They go or I go and I'll take my chances in court." Landlord should get the message.
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