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Breaking Lease-Before I move in with 30day notice

Long story... Signed a leased to commence on the 5th, picked up keys and planned to a call ... GPA ill with cancer, probably won't make it, make arrangements. Called landlord the night of the 5th and said i needed to cancel....Landlord calle dme the next morning and said he understood and asked what i thought was fair...asked what they thoguth we could work out. He said they would deduct $30/day for each day that the house was vacant and then return the remiander of my $1525; said they wanted to handle this fairly. We both agreed so I took his wife the keys that same afternoon so they could show the house. Now, 3 days later, they find a renter and want to only give me the $500 sec deposit back....because I broke the lease. But, they let me out....we agreed and i gave them exactly 30 day notice. If I would have known they were going to keep ALL the money anyway, it would have been better for me to move in for a month........and then get out ....pls help
1 Comment

Melinda - if you signed the lease already, you were kind of at their mercy. Did you get this arrangement in writing? If not, then it will be hard to prove, it will be your word against the landlord's. You can always sue civilly and let a judge decide.
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