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Served papers for no reason

In October my wife and i were told by the landlord that she was selling the house and asked if we would be interested in purchasing it.  We told her no that we werent interested and she told us that there were some people that wanted to come to look at it.  She also stated that we could continue to live there while the house was up for sale. The middle of november come around and she said that the people that looked at the house one month prior were in the process of buying it.  She told us that we would have approximately 30-45 days after closing of the house to be moved. We just figured that would buy us more time to find a house.  Well on dec. 8th the landlord called my wife and asked if we had found anything yet. Well she wanted us out on the 16th of december because they didnt want to close on the house with us in it.  My wife just asked if we could stay thru christmas and be out by the first....she said that would be fine.  Four days later she serves us with papers.

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