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Does tenant get keys when they sign the lease?

The lease document I created on states on the last page that by signing, my tenant agrees he has received the keys. However, he is signing the lease on 2/12 and will not be moving in until 2/28.   Do I have to provide keys when he signs the lease? Should we not sign the lease until his move-in date?

Hi Lauren,  If you have done your credit check and your security deposit and one month's rent or how ever you have it set up and you are comfortable with renting to them.  You may give them the keys early; because you are satisfied with your new tenants.  Nita
Lauren....NEVER give keys before the move-in date. It's OK to sign the lease ahead of time. I would also collect the full security deposit before signing. Make sure you have it in writing and signed that if tenant decides not to move in that they forfeit the security deposit and be responsible for any additional cost, including rent, until a new tenant is found. If they refuse to sign the lease, tell them you will place the property back on the market for rent. Also, when you give them the keys, make sure the pay the rent due for that month in cash, bank check or money order. There's nothing worse than getting a check, only to have it bounce.

I have the same question. The answers provided by others don't answer the question AT ALL. How can I make it so that the tenant doesn't have to sign the receipt of keys when signing the entire lease?

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