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Foreclosure Status

In California, what rights does a tenant have if the owner is going through foreclosure?  Does the tenant still have to pay rent?  If yes, to who?  Does the landlord have to give notice, etc?  HELP!!!!

My rental property will soon be going in to foreclosure, what do I need to do as far as Ca. law and the renter is concerned, I have $1000 on a month to month lease?
once the bank takes over whom do you pay the rent, in my case they have an offerfor us to move out, but the land lord i rented from is still demanding rent and refusing to return our deposit.
Sometimes when a bank takes overthey will usually give you some cash to move out, The only person that can make you move out is a judge.
The tenant must still adhere to the lease agreement. Payments must be made to the person spelled out on the lease. MAKE YOUR PAYMENTS VIA CHECK/MONEY ORDER so that you have a definite receipt. Once the bank takes over, they usually will notify you and if there is any doubt that you did not make payment, you will have proof.
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