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Advice on- How can I serve termination notice ..

Hello I plan on giving a termination notice to a tenant, on a month to month Lease. On the Lease it states that either Landlord or Tenant can treminate lease at any time with a 30 day notice of intent to terminate. I plan to send one certifed even though I know their not going to pick up, and going to hand one in person and post one on their Door and will take a picture of it. My Question is, Do Tenant have to sign the notice  (a copy) that he has received notice it.

You have to check you tenant laws inyour state but I would suggest that you have a constable serve hand serve it and then the constable will give you a receipt stating he recieved it .
hello Donald thanks for the info, but how can I find a constable in my area?
oh wow thanks... Do a rent increase notice need to be given the same way as a termination notice?
You have to check tenant laws in your state.,In mass you have to give a 30 day notice in advance, if they do not want to pay they move out. In Mass ypo end the tenancy and start a new one , check PA TENANT LAW.
Hello, in PA: A written lease may provide for giving up the right to receive an eviction notice.If the notice is to not renew the rental agreement, than one periods notice should be given to the tenant. This can be to raise the rent as well. In a fixed term lease, this cannot be done mid-term but only at the end of the lease. If the lease provides for longer notice, than longer notice shall be given. Notices must be personally delivered to the tenant or posted on the dwelling. An eviction notice, sent by mail is probably not enforceable. It couldn't hurt though AFTER personal service or posting is made to also mail the notice.
Thank you very much for the info Denise S and Donald G.  Thank God for EZ Landlord this is a great site.
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