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should you bring someone with you on inspections, is it a good idea.

Hello and sorry for the bad experience,  I have 10 Section 8 apts in Chicago. The program is actually very landlord friendly if you remember this one simple rule when dealing with tenant issues.  Call the Section 8 office and explain the situation. They will tell you what needs to be done and how to do it legally. They will fight that battle.  Good Luck!
I see.  I don't know that you taking someone with you is going to help that.  If they are going to call one of you a liar, then they will call both of you liars.  Is it possible to conduct the inspection in the presence of the tenant?
Thanks Scott ,what I was worried  about accusations of things being taken and find out later misplaced.
If you believe that the tenant will become threatening then by all means bring someone with you.  If you simply want to have someone else present that can vouch for the condition of the property, then a photograph would be more powerful.
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