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Broken Lease - Found After the Fact

I have a tenant that moves out completely tomorrow.  She has lived there for two years, but was only half-way into her second lease agreement.  She had one year, and re-upped for a two year with a rent increase.  I found out that she has lied to me the whole time she lived there.  She said she was divorced, but her husband was living with her.  Her husband was not on the lease, as she said she was divorced.  I went through a realtor/broker when we got her...I completed a walkthrough the house few weeks ago, after she gave me 30 days notice, and found that the place looked okay.  Now it looks like it will need some work and I found out that she was in violation of the lease the whole two years she lived there.  I haven't given her the deposit, as I know there are things to fix that she has caused...Just wondering if I discovered after the fact, that she was breaking the lease, is she entitled to any of the deposit?
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