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ezLandlord Questions and Answers
General Property Management
Tenants want Landlord to Pay for Car Repair
Deanne R
started a topic
about 12 years ago
My home was rat-free before my current tenants took possession in June. As of December, my rental has become infested with rats. They want me to pay for damage the rats did to the wiring on their car. They did not pay their rent for January. I hired a pest control company to treat the property, and as of today the treatment is working. The tenants still do not want to pay their rent.
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Karen S
about 12 years ago
Deanne, it seems your responsibility is to correct the issue with the rental unit that you own vs a car. If I were the landlord I would send a late notice, demanding payment asap.
Bob R
about 12 years ago
Ditto on Karen’s suggestion. I do think their claim would hold up in court. That’s like suing the city because a mouse did damage on the street. Also, they probably don’t have proof that mice caused damage or notify you that there was a problem on the property prior to the damage. -----Disclaimer: Since I’ve been answering a lot of questions, I thought I would make the following statement. I’m not affiliated with EZlandlord Forms. I’m just here (not sure how long) to help those that have questions. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give comprehensive real estate/tax advice over the internet, no matter how well researched or written. Therefore, it is up to you to become familiar with Fed/State/Local Tax Laws. Also, if you have real questions, you should consult with an attorney or tax professional……Having 40+ yrs with Rental Property and done well, it’s my way of “Pay it Forward (check out the movie).” I always like to know if the suggestions I offer are helpful. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks in Advance. BTW...check out the Rental Property Organizer at Simp-List.com. Free Trial Download with data. Check out the new $$$$ for 2013
Deanne R
about 12 years ago
Dear Bob, Thank you for your response, I appreciate your input. I have addressed the rat problem, and did so within days of the tenants complaint, however, the problem is bigger than just my home. The entire neighborhood is crawling with rats. i can continue to have a professional pest service treat the home until the cows come home, but the city of Woodland refuses to address the larger problem and that is a massive rat infestation. The pest control service testifies that the rats are everywhere. The rats just keep coming. I have had the house sealed from rat entry, yet they are still running on the roof at night. The tenants have exercised my invitation to break their lease and move. So, I am losing rent, and will probably have a difficult time renting this home again. Who wants to move into a home that is being treated for vermin? Not me! The tenants paid the remainder of January's rent on February 2....They said they will be out of the house by Feb 28...And they said they will drop off more rent later in the month. Do I allow them to do this, or do I give them the 3days to pay or quit? So what recourse does the landlord have? Thanks so much for your help Deanne R Sunday February 3, 2013
Bob R
about 12 years ago
I believe most landlords have experienced your problem at one time or another. I believe you’re doing the right thing by hiring a pest service to take care of the problem. It may take several months since it’s a neighborhood problem. There is no way to keep them out. They manage to squeeze thru the smallest opening (pencil size). Make sure the company sets traps through out the house and attic and have them check it weekly to remove any that were caught or reset the traps. You need to remove any food (even bird seed) from your property (inside/outside). Eventually, they will leave….. As for the tenants, I would have tried to negotiate to have them remain, such as decrease the rent by 25-50% for 1-3 months (?) or until the problem is rectified. That would be better than having the place vacant, fixing it up again and cost of finding new tenants. I’m sure they are not happy to move but they may be willing to work with you for less rent. Be reasonable but nice & firm in your decision. If you reach an agreement, make sure you put “everything” in writing for them to sign/date…. As for the 3 Day Notice, that’s a difficult decision. Should they not pay within the 3 days, you’ll have to start eviction…. You should have received a letter from them REQUESTING that they would like to leave (break the lease) on (date) due to the situation and terms of payment. You in turn must give them an OK if you agree to their request. There is nothing that says you have to. Without the letter, they would be responsible for rent until you find new tenants since you have a lease. You need something in writing in case you have to go to court….Thanks for the update. Looking forward to what happens. -----Disclaimer: Since I’ve been answering a lot of questions, I thought I would make the following statement. I’m not affiliated with EZlandlord Forms. I’m just here (not sure how long) to help those that have questions. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give comprehensive real estate/tax advice over the internet, no matter how well researched or written. Therefore, it is up to you to become familiar with Fed/State/Local Tax Laws. Also, if you have real questions, you should consult with an attorney or tax professional……Having 40+ yrs with Rental Property and done well, it’s my way of “Pay it Forward (check out the movie).” I always like to know if the suggestions I offer are helpful. Feel free to comment anytime. Thanks in Advance. BTW...check out the Rental Property Organizer at Simp-List.com. Free Trial Download with data. Check out the new $$$$ for 2013
Liza R
almost 12 years ago
I think the best solution is to hire a property management firm. They can help you solve this issue. But for future, make sure you screen the tenants before renting out your home. I have used property management services by Hunter Rentals & Property Management, they are good.
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