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Tenant causes flood

I am a new property manager in CA.  Got a call from tenants entire house flooded.  After months of investigation the insurance co.'s final report states the washing machine's sensor malfunctioned causing the flood, the washing machine is owned (and was installed) by the tenants.  The insurance co. paid all expenses (floor had to be ripped up, fix drywall, etc.).  I feel the landlord is entitled to get reimbursed his dedutible, I was wondering if I am right about this as I have sent two emails to the tenant and left a voice mail (it's been a week and I haven't gotten a response from the tenants).

This could be tough the safe way to be sure what you are entitled to would to read through the contract and see what the agreement says, if it state that they are resposible for those aplliances you may be able to at least amke back your deductible. However, did you also require them to have renters insurence they could have maybe claimed it? I would always recommend renter insurence as a manditory requirement. This could help you in the future avaoid this type of head ache.
It depends upon terms stated in the lease agreement. I use tenant screening services from Tropicana Realty for prospective tenants.
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