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Tenant wants to move parents in to garage

I have tenants in home in TX since 10/2018. She called today and said her dad is being evicted from his home and is going to need to move in with them for a while. Said he would stay in extra bedroom during the winter, and then move a window unit (a/c) in to the garage during the summer. I am not sure on the laws/rules on this. Will homeowners policy allow for someone to live in garage. Can I up the rent for an additional tenant now occupying the home? I am not thrilled about them just deciding to add 1 more tenant to the home, but am unsure of the laws on this

I'd probably go with telling them that he can't live in the garage.  If he wants to stay in the bedroom I'd increase the rent maybe $100 or 10% to cover additional wear and tear.
Why they want to do this?
In CA you cannot just have another person occupy the home.  If you use this website for your contract it should state the occupants, names etc. If they have done this, without written consent they are in violation of your contract.  After only being there 1 month I think this is a problematic tenant.  Serve them notice if they don't comply I would evict them. As for the garage idea, you need to consult what city/county code are, etc. Some cities may fine you if the neighbors turn you in. (Stay on your neighbors good side they are your eyes & ears) Personally I wouldn't allow it.
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