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Noise Complaints - Police Called Mulitple Times

Hope someone can give me some advice on this one.  In DE, moved new tenants into a 2nd floor condo last month.  Tenants below have called to complain about nightly ongoing, excessive noise, starts earlier, but they don't worry about it until after 10pm...and then the noise continues into the later hours/early morning.  Apparently the downstairs tenants have spoken with the new upstairs tenants once or twice at the beginning to try to ask them to tone it down late at night.  Since that time, things have continued to the point that the downstairs neighbor has called the police out for late night noise complaints twice now (in the span of a week).  I spoke with the police dept and they said because the LL was not a victim or directly involved in the incident, there is no paperwork/complaint for us to have a copy of.  The downstairs tenant called today to alert us of the incident last night and said that after the police left, the upstairs tenants came downstairs, hovering around their doorway to the side (Ring doorbell) and stood in front of her door in a threatening posture with arms crossed.  I have the still shots from the doorbell.  I have already spoken to one of the upstairs tenants and explained that they obviously need to keep the noise down at night to not disturb any neighbors and that we are aware the police had to be called out already.   So, clearly we need to address the issue and not sure the best way to handle it other than a written notice.  Tenants downstairs are asking about breaking their lease because they feel this is ongoing and after the doorway incident, a little on the unsafe side for them.  Any thoughts?  Do we have a case for court at this point without noticing as they are continually causing issues that have involved the police & are disturbing the "quiet enjoyment" of neighbors?

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