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temporary carport tent

tentant has a carport tent in my backyard and is storing his junk - can I charge extra fee for allowing this storage and is there a building code or fire laws

You have to check with the county seat (offices) for codes. The lease should include what property is the tenant. If they have that property (carport) as part of the lease, then your only real option is issue them a letter stating that the carport is for car storage only and if the area is not cleaned to the owners satisfaction, the lease will not be renewed.
I doubt you can charge extra,  but it's very possible he's in violation of a building code, community standard, or health code.  If so,  you can make him remove it.
From my experience your going to be the one cleaning all that junk up after they leave. If you don't like it serve them a 10 day notice or violation letter that addresses violations.
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